Monday, December 12, 2011
5 Top Christmas Gadgets On Every Bloggers Wish List
Here's a list of gadgets that are probably on every bloggers wish list. By Basic Blog Tips
6 Obvious But Often Missed Blog Marketing Basics
When you are building and growing a blog and trying to make an income from it, it’s easy to miss the forest for the trees. By A-List Blog Marketing
7 Ways to Stay Motivated With Your Blogging
Blogging is a long term, little result commitment at the start. The only progress you will see is your increasing blog post and comment count over months of hard work. Main result like money and business do not come overnight. This is where the motivation to stay the course is so crucial. By FindMyBlogWay
The Six Most Annoying Things Bloggers Do
While there are so many great writers, bloggers and online writers in today’s Blogosphere, there are simply those who irritate you effortlessly – either on purpose or inadvertently. By Blog Godown
Six LinkedIn Benefits for Bloggers
As a newbie blogger, you may come to think that there is no real benefit of joining LinkedIn. But, that is as far from the truth as the moon is from the earth. By Blog Godown
Understanding Google+ For Connecting with a Wider Target Audience
Today, every website is integrated with Facebook, Twitter and the +1 button. The idea behind such buttons is simple. It helps visitors share you content easily on the social media sties like Facebook, Twitter and Google +. With search engines giving more importance to content popularity, it makes perfect sense to create relevant, fresh and shareable content. By InfoCarivore
How to Turn Your Blog into a Profitable Print Magazine
If you´ve been blogging for a while, and you´re making enough money as it is, it´s always healthy to look for new ways to expand your business. By Famous Bloggers
Ashley Zeckman A-to-Z Internet Marketing News: Bloggers Beware, Google Trust, Mobile SEO, New Twitter, SMBs Heart SEO
This post offers a great mix of insight into most and least effective content marketing tactics, social media tools, measurement, budgets and compelling data points. By TopRank
How to Write a How-To Post: 7 Simple Steps
How-to posts are always going to be popular. They’re great for readers – who are often Googling “how to X” – and they’re great for you, the writer, because they’re easy to put together. By Daily Blog Tips
9 Steps to a Daily Blogging Schedule
Some helpful tips to blogging on a daily basis and should you have more than one blog. By Problogger
How to Keep Track of Your Accounts as a Remote Blogger
One of the main benefits of being a blogger has always been that you could work from anywhere in the world—whether you are surrounded by the hustle and bustle of New York City, or sitting in a quiet, secluded beach hut somewhere in Thailand. By Problogger
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Be Patient To Reap The Most Out Of Blogging
With the improvement in technology, more people are using the World Wide Web for information, entertainment, research and career opportunities. Now-a-days the internet provides us many things, with the help of which we can generate a handsome income. By Jane Sheeba
10 Tips To Promote Your Blog With Email Marketing
Email marketing is not the exclusive territory of the electronics
superstores or the vitamin purveyors, and bloggers can leverage email
newsletters to build their audiences by using many of the same tactics
and techniques mastered by the major retailers. By Daily Blog Tips
How to Establish Influence from Scratch
Great tips to influence traffic. By Problogger
Friday, December 09, 2011
Using The HTC Android To Upload Videos And Photos To Your Blog
Blogging, it will be a way to earn money, or for the simple pleasures of writing, is one outlet for writing online. While these are the conditions that drive a person to write online, the blogs will even be further advanced when there is the presence of a really good video and photo to enhance its overall appearance. By Blog Network Watch
6 Places to Find Excellent Ideas for Blog Posts
If you are a blogger, you might also get stuck at some or the other point with your blog posts. A time comes when we run short of the ideas about the idea of creating a new blog post. By Blog Network Watch
Want to promote your blog? With BlogSearchEngine you can reach a wider audience and increase traffic on your site. By BlogNetwork Watch
Tips on Successful blogging for small business owners and writers
Blogging or using a blog as a part of your business strategy is an emerging trend. Most businesses are advised by the marketing teams to include a blog as an important publicity and sales tool. By Blogussion
Helpful Habits to Develop in Blogging
Whether you are blogging for fun or for business, it still comes down to the fundamentals of writing. No matter how advanced your software and hardware are, and no matter how highly rated your platform is, your content will fall flat in the long run if you fail to constantly apply good writing habits. By Blogussion
How Writing Poorly Equates to Blogging Well!
There’s no way that writing poorly equals to blogging well. That’s just absurd! By Blogussion
Why Making Money Through Blogging Shouldn’t Be Your First Priority
This post isn’t just directed at bloggers who overdo it with monetizing their blogs, but at all bloggers in general. There’s a reason why Google keeps changing their algorithm. By Blogussion
Increase Traffic with Google Analytics the Smart Way
Google Analytics is a monster tool for tracking traffic patterns, sources, trends and more. It’s so extensive that it can easily help jack up your web site visitors from 100 a month to 10,000. If you know how to use it right. By Blogussion
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Blogging Psychology: To Become A Perfect Blogger
All of us have learned a lesson in our childhood that pen is stronger than weapon. But, it depends on us how we make use of it. By Geeks4share
How to Customize the Header in Blogger
Blogger offers you a default static blog header including title and description of your blog. Further you can add image/logo too.
How to Implement Facebook JavaScript SDK in Your Blogger Blog
Have you ever heard of Facebook JavaScript SDK? May be or may be not. But if you ever try out Facebook social plugins on your website or blog, then you may have come across with this name.
How to Integrate Your Google+ Profile with Blogger
Nowadays Google+ is another brand new social media platform evolve on the Web.
Reader comments are very useful and it's a great way to get exclusive feedback to your content. By default, Blogger enables comment form to each of your posts and let readers to drop their comments underneath your posts.
How to Customize Fonts and Colors in Your Blogger Template

How much do you care about your blog design? Do you design it by yourself or use a custom template designed by someone else?
The Ultimate WordPress Blog Theme Latest Cool Updates
If you are trying to make money blogging, you need a decent theme that’s easy to monetize. By Blogchise
A guide to structure your blog
You’ve got an awesome idea for a blog. Your writing skills are honed, and you’ve spent months researching the competition, analyzing the habits of your target audience, and preparing some content that you just know will be huge. By Wordpress Ninja
Blogging and social media – Finding the missing link
Blogging has become a widespread disease among people sitting online. Blogging is contagious in nature. You can have your own hosted blog with a separate domain name or register yourself a free sub-domain on WordPress or Blogger. By Technshare
Make Your Blog Viral on Facebook with Like Locker Plugin
Recent reports released by YouTube suggests that “Charlie bit my finger” video, which went viral makes around $2,00,000 dollars per year. It was social networking websites which helped that video go viral. By Hellbound Bloggers
Holiday Blogging Tips
It’s that time of the year when everyone goes crazy online. Did you know that 60% of people in the United States will buy something online for the holiday season? What does this mean for you? By Bloggingtips
Blogs Used More By B2B for Content Marketing Purposes in 2011
A recent study by MarketingProfs titled “B2B Content Marketing: 2012 Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends” shows blogs are on the rise as a viable source for content marketing purposes. By Blogworld
The Complete Bloggers Guide to Facebook Marketing
This guide to Facebook Marketing is written by guest writer Amy Porterfield. By Problogger
Friday, December 02, 2011
How to Use Google+ to Get More Blog Traffic
If your blog can be identified as a business or brand, then create a Google+ Page for it. By
Is It Necessary To Have a Blog for Affiliate Marketing?
A blog is a platform with the help of which you can share your ideas regarding different issues with various types of people. By BloggingPro
5 Strange Lessons Bloggers Can Learn from Sports
So what are those lessons? Here are five to consider as you work to grow or improve your blog. By BloggingPro
21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic
Great suggestions for building your blog traffic. By SEOmoz
13 Suggestions for Incredible Blog Topics and Ideas
Do you ever write so much content that you simply run out of ideas? Maybe you haven’t been writing so many posts lately and just hit a writer’s block. By DailyBlogTips
10 MORE Social Media Posts Everyone Should Read
Look at 10 social media posts that everyone should read. By Blogworld
5 Tips for Beefing Up a Short Blog Post
Connective content combines your expertise and opinion with something that's already been created; whether that's a post on your own blog or someone else's, or a movie, book, website, product or story that relates to the topic of that month's feature article. By Denise Wakeman
The best (and shortest) business book ever written. Why visualizing your success could actually be hurting your chances for success. By Copyblogger
10 Writing Blogs You Should be Reading Right Now
If you are interested in writing - in any shape or form – then you would know that the search for The Annual Top 10 Writing Blogs is on. By Writing Happiness
On the First Page of Google? Now What?
If your goal is to publish a lot of meaningless content that doesn’t get read, then you’re in the wrong place. On the other hand, if you desire your pages to engage and help the reader take some type of action based upon what they were searching for when they found your site, read on. By Problogger
Listen to Your “Inner Crazy Voice”
How to share crazy ideas. By Problogger
The Right-brain Thinker’s Guide to Beating Blogger’s Block
In his 2009 book A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink explained that the new world of business is a great place to be a right-brain thinker. Right-brain thinkers are the creators and the empathizers. If you’re a blogger, you are probably a right-brained thinker … and you probably deal with blogger’s block on occasion. By Problogger
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
3 Tips To Make Twitter The #1 Source of Traffic for Your Blog
Making Twitter an important source of traffic for your blog is becoming more and more strategical for every blogger. By Luca Filigheddu
From Bloggers to Artisans
For the longest time, you could get a website that’s a shop, or a blog that’s a website but combining them all into one cohesive unit was still a bit of a mystery or just a lot of work, or pure frustration. By Nuwomb
Helpful Habits to Develop in Blogging
WHETHER you are blogging for fun or for business, it still comes down to the fundamentals of writing. By Blogussion
4 Ways to Get Motivation as a Blogger
To be honest with you, blogging can be sometimes boring, and this mostly has to do with the fact that it is becoming a routine. By Bloggingtips
Generating Content Writing Ideas
Have you ever been stuck with what to write about? Think your brain is just tapped out? When you think about website content, writing can start to elude you, especially if you’ve done this for awhile. However, there are fresh ideas to be discovered in a lot of places. Where can you get content ideas? By Bloggingtips
4 Website Traffic Generation Myths You Should Ignore
Generating traffic to a blog has become so important in the blogosphere today that writing almost any article on the subject of traffic generation is bound to go viral; and that is due to one major reason, people have been made to believe that traffic is the major factor that determines the success of a blog (which is true to some extent), and as a result are always on the lookout for the best ways to generate traffic. By Bloggingtips
Why You Should Write 20 Posts Before You Launch Your Blog
If you have not yet started a blog, stop. Write 20 to 30 posts before you launch.
It may sound counter-intuitive, but this strategy may just be the thing to help you succeed as a blogger.
Why? By Problogger
5 Tips to Sell Your Blog
Do you wonder if your blog has the potential for a big payoff? Here are 5 tips to position your blog to attract corporate buyers. By Social Media Examiner
3 Steps to Mastering Good Blogger Outreach
Awareness is the first step of any customer outreach program. It has to be, and that’s why small business owners are always on the hunt for media coverage. By Small Business Trends
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
5 Blogging Faux Pas You Might Be Making
Blogging is an inherently social activity, just one that happens to be done with millions of other people all across the globe. By BloggingPro
20+ Essential Tools and Applications For Bloggers
Blogging can be quite a process. First you may have to do some research, then put your thoughts together, and of course add any necessary screenshots and images. Let’s not forget the optimization part (SEO, keywords, etc) and sharing your content on the Web so that others will read it and hopefully share it. With all of these steps involved, blogging can be quite time-consuming and many bloggers get burnt out rather quickly doing these things on a daily basis. By
How to Write Faster Blog Posts (Every Time)
If you’re spending hours on every blog post, then read on! These tips will all help you improve your writing speed … without sacrificing quality. By DailyBlogTips
How to come up with blog post ideas
Any great piece of content has to begin with a great idea. You can be an amazingly talented writer – but without a strong idea, your post isn’t going to resonate with people.
So, where do you get your ideas? By DailyBlogTips
7 Secrets About Using Blogs to Promote Services
A few things that can make a world of difference in how well a blog can promote a service — secrets that aren’t immediately obvious but that are pretty easy to implement once you think about them. By Blogworld
A Beginner’s Guide to Blogging Basics
Here's a mini guide for brand new bloggers. We were all new bloggers once, and it’s tough. By Blogworld
Is the Secret to Twitter Success Link Sharing?
When it comes to using Facebook to promote your business or blog, it seems pretty straightforward as to how exactly to use it. By Blogworld
The Art of Planning Your Blog
Thinking of starting a blog? So is everybody else. According to BlogPulse, there are over 174 million blogs on the Internet as of October 2011, and over 7,000 new blogs are created every day. By Denise Wakeman
Blogging Brings YOU into the Writing
In academic writing or journalism, we're usually asked to chose whether we're going to write subjectively (an argumentative or persuasive essay, opinion piece or editorial) or objectively (an expository essay, investigative report, profile or news feature). By Denise Wakeman
Blogging On A Budget: 3 Tips for Bigger Impact
Blogging is one of the top sources of online content creation for many companies. Blogs are a great vehicle for interacting and engaging with current and prospective clients. Blogs are also an effective way for prospects to associate stories, anecdotes, and personalities with a company or brand. By TopRank
Charles Darwin’s 12 Rules of Blogging Survival
Blog readers have a myriad of reading options for almost every topic you can think of. In fact, within your niche, potential customers may be enjoying blog posts written by your competitors while they ignore your blog like the plague. By ProBlogger
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