Sunday, June 27, 2010
Marketing the “You Know What Out” of Your Blog, Part 3
One of the best ways to market your blog and attract heaps of visitors is through social media. By Big Girl Branding
Marketing the “You Know What” Out of Your Blog, Part 2
How to use guest posting and blog commenting effectively to market the “you know what” out of your blog. By Big Girl Branding
Marketing the “You Know What” Out of Your Blog, Part 1
Marketing a blog is pretty much like marketing anything else. It requires time and commitment. It also requires patience and consistency, and a willingness to use a bit of elbow grease. By Big Girl Branding
Six Apart Goes Green
Six Apart (the company behind Typepad, Movabletype, and Vox) has dipped its toe in the green movement by purchasing an environmentally conscious network by the name of NaturalPath Media. By The Blog Herald
Blogger’s Template Designer Goes Public
After releasing the template designer upon Blogger in Draft (which is Blogger’s eternal beta site), Google has decided to drop the beta for BlogSpot’s theme feature and release the tool for the masses to try out. By The Blog Herald
LiveJournal Joins WordPress, Copies Tumblr
It looks like “Tumblr envy” is spreading throughout the blogosphere as LiveJournal has joined WordPress (not to mention Typepad as well) in copying a feature that has set apart Tumblr from the rest of its rivals. By The Blog Herald
Significantly Speed Up Your WordPress Blog in 9 Easy Steps
Your blog’s loading speed affects more Improve WordPress Speedthan just user experience but is now a factor used by google to determine an overall ranking for your site. By Robyn-Dale Samuda
Why Guest Blogging is Useless for Link Building
I used to be highly advocative of guest blogging as an effective link building strategy. I used to tell people that this way they could get a quality link back from a high-authority website for free. I used to say, these links (coming from high-quality content) are well-deserved and thus can’t be frowned upon by Google. By Ann Smarty
Tumblr Embraces Twitter On iPhone (Adds Extra Features)
After updating their iPhone app in order to be compatible with iOS 4, it looks as if Tumblr has added an extra feature that will please tweetaholics. By The Blog Herald
Tips on Promoting Your Blog
All right, so your blog is up and running and you have content on it. Now how do you bring people in to look at your blog? Here are a few suggestions, mostly taken from, “The Guide To Promoting Your Web Page”. By Blog Tutorials
5 Reasons Why You Should Respond to Every Comment
If you enable comments on your blog (which I’m sure most of you do), then you obviously want your readers to interact by leaving comments after your post. Then why, I ask, does it usually end up being a one-sided conversation? By Pat Flynn
How to use Google's font api with Blogger

Here's an overview of the Google Font API and how you can use this to enhance our Blogger-based designs.
What Is The Difference Between A Blog And A Website?
The everlasting battle between a blog and website to have the crown as the best way in advertising services by a company in the web is rarely ending. By Jeff Dedrick
The art of reading to become an amazing blogger
If you were born on a desert island, raised by a pack of wolves, would you make a good blogger? By Bamboo Forest
7 tips that will make your blog stand out
The Top 12 Success Killers In Blogging (with Solutions!)
Here are the top 12 success killers in blogging. If you do not get these items in check, you might as well pack up the laptop now and give up. By Robb Sutton
How to Get to the Next Level (for Bloggers Who Didn’t Know There Was a Next Level)
Benefits of Blogging – Building a Community
What could be better than gaining a worldwide audience with blogging? Taking that audience and creating a community. By Kristi Hines
Mobile Blogging – How to Make Your WordPress Blog Smartphone Ready
Here's an article covering HTC Droid Eris, about comparing two different plugins to make your WordPress sites more mobile friendly – WordPress Mobile Pack and WPtouch iPhone Theme. Both get the job done effectively – it is just a matter of whether you are looking for something simple or something with a lot of features. By Kristi Hines
5 Tactics Bloggers Should Borrow from Traditional PR
Bloggers have been hailed as “citizen journalists” and powerful influencers for years. But bloggers have another, less frequently discussed role – they’re also citizen PR experts. My Mickie Kennedy
How to: Build a more beautiful blog
Whether you’re blogging for business or pleasure, now is the time to take your little corner of the web to the next level. By Matt Silverman
How to: Create a Successful Company Blog
Blogging in your business is vital to creating a public personae and making your company more accessible. In an era where companies like Zappos have differentiated themselves based on service, it is important to be public and accessible. By Mark Suster
How To Harness The Power Within Your Readers’ Blog Comments
For many bloggers, a comment is a very valuable thing, especially for new bloggers who are looking for confirmation that their voices are being heard and visitors are actually engaging their new blog. By Robyn-Dale Samuda
Blogging Tips Archives and Link Love
Here are some great blogging tips by Patti Stafford.
12 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts more Credible
Today’s educated readers want information from a credible, trusted source, says researcher and writer Michael Low. When you convince them you are that source, they will believe and read what you have to say. By Darren Rowse
5 Blogging Myths That Are Killing Your Blog
As with all myths, there is always a little bit of truth behind them. That is exactly why myths spread and survive, even if they aren’t true. By John Chow
Friday, June 18, 2010
Use Share Options to Boost Your Blog Traffic and Visibility
Platforms have evolved enormously and with the introduction of social networking and sharing it's easier than ever for your readers to share your content with their friends and followers. So, you MUST have multiple ways for your content to be shared. By Denise Wakeman
Top 10 Tips to Sell Your Website or Blog on Flippa
If you are planning to buy or sell a website, you probably already heard about Flippa. It is the largest online marketplace for websites. Most people who list a website for sale there, however, end up selling it for peanuts (e.g., $100), or not selling at all. By Daniel Scocco
The Power of Blogs & Social Media in B2B Marketing
That’s what Forrester Research predicts for US B2B Social Media Marketing spending by 2014. By Lee Odden
8 Habits of Highly Excellent Bloggers
Ever wondered what are the traits of the top, successful and excellent bloggers? By Celestine Chua
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