Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Small Design Study Of Big Blogs

Smashing magazine conducted a survey to take a closer look at blog designs, analyze them and find out which design solutions are common and which solutions are not used at all.

See the survey here
See the results here

Blogger showdown at Brainstorm Tech

Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference kicked off Monday night with sharp-tongued bloggers ripping into each other and the companies they cover.

Smarter Than Your Average Blog

Voxant, the New Media Network, offers free, licensed news content from a variety of top-notch sources - AP, Reuters, CBS, MTV, NHL, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times… and tons more.

With the aim of helping bloggers increase their blog’s quality and traffic, Smarter Than Your Average Blog is a Voxant-sponsored blog that offers blogging tips, tricks, and tools - join in the conversation.

538 Twitter Users that Blog

If you’re looking to connect with other bloggers on Twitter then this is the place to be because...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bad blogging

There are countless articles floating around about becoming a better blogger, so here are 21 tips in sarcastic form to put kind of a fresh spin on these recycled blog teachings.

Thursday, July 24, 2008 cited as the No. 1 host for malware

According to a report out Wednesday, antivirus vendor Sophos says it detects one Web page with malicious content every 5 seconds--a trend that is up 300 percent from 2007.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Allfacebook - the unofficial Facebook blog

This is a blog that covers all news related to Facebook. It is not in any way affiliated with the actual Facebook site. Read More

Blog Business Summit

The Blog Business Summit is a conference and seminar series on business blogging that has been touring the country since 2004.

80 Graphic Design Links You Can’t Live Without

A nice collection of graphic design links and web design links. A list every designer should check out.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Do you comment on blogs?

30 Boxes is a great way to keep track of your web stuff and it allows you to easily maintain and share your identity (who you are and stuff you have on the web). When you comment on blogs that have Buddy Cards enabled 30 Boxes displays a nice pop up with information about you.

My Son, the Blogger: An M.D. Trades Medicine for Apple Rumors

For eight years, Arnold Kim has been trading gossip, rumor and facts about Apple, the notoriously secretive computer company, on his Web site,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Al Gore Cheers Bloggers At Netroots Nation Conference

It produced the first electric moment at the conference, the Netroots Nation, an ever-widening group of progressive bloggers whose major interests — the war in Iraq, the environment and technology — mesh well with Mr. Gore’s current pursuits. Indeed, many in the crowd — who are supporting Senator Barack Obama, the likely Democratic presidential nominee — were overheard saying they wished he were running for president.

BlogHer confab draws Macy's, not Google

At the women bloggers conference, attendees are surrounded by the mainstream-brand advertisers that the Internet media industry has clamored to attract for the last 10 years.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

For she-bloggers, does it take a village to profit?

Just three years ago, Lisa Stone was one of "three chicks with credit cards" trying to form a consortium of female bloggers.

Blog site of the week

Vicki talks on her blog about how all moms have one thing in common, BUSY lives...and looking for ways to SIMPLIFY them.

Blogging and bringing home the bacon

As many as 3,000 women are at this year's BlogHer Conference to talk about their lives, businesses, and blogs; and in some cases, they're all one and the same.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Are You Overwhelming Your Readers With A Cluttered Blog?

Wordpress has become one of the most popular blogging platforms and a large part of that reason is the sheer number of plugins available to add to blogs. But many of these plugins, especially when combined with an obsessive amount of advertisements, tend to overwhelm readers with an abundance of clutter in both the sidebar and at the end of the posts themselves.


ScribeFire was originally founded to be the top blog editor for FireFox which it has done with over 1.5 million downloads to date. To take the tool to the next level ScribeFire added a talented team of Internet marketers and technologists to build a next generation tool that makes monetizing websites simple. They've built a simple way for bloggers and website owners to add optimized ads to their sites.

Jason Calacanis’ First New Email Post

Jason Calacanis announced that he was retiring from blogging. There was a very mixed reaction to the news, with most believing it to be a publicity stunt. Jason said in his farewell post that instead of blogging, he would instead be posting to a mailing list made up of his followers, capped at 750 subscribers.

Most Corporate Blogs Are Unimaginative Failures

Many businesses have launched corporate blogs in an effort to better communicate with customers and capture a little Web-2.0 mojo. But Huffington Post they ain’t: Not only are these corporate blogs boring as paint, but the businesses behind admit they don’t have much value.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Architecture blogs in Romania, Spain and England

Most blogs devoted to architecture cover the whole of Europe through their importance, often even the whole world, by not limiting themselves to the presentation of this set of themes exclusively within the author’s country of origin.

Wine Brands

A journey through wine brands.

107 year oldwoman starts a blog

You're never too old to start a blog.

10 Articles All Bloggers Should Read (at least once)

Many new bloggers are often not familiar with the details of blogging software (e.g. the screwy video embed issue with WP) or they don't know much about the art of blogging (other than writing about the blog's topic).

Unobtrusive Sidenotes

Unobtrusive Sidenotes is a simple mix of Javascript and CSS that makes it ridiculously easy to incorporate sidenotes into your web pages or blogs. It even includes a handy set of colors (all set in CSS and tweak-able) to create that oh-so-subtle correlation between the sidenote and the relevant text.

McCain hares bloggers

In a December 2007 town hall meeting John McCain discussed his views on various media. During this discussion, he expressed a disdain for 'the bloggers.' It is uncertain who McCain is targeting with this statement, as there are nearly three million blogs on the internet.

30 Most Popular Blogs | June 2008

There are many blog popularity-ranking services on the web, but unfortunately, they all rely on only one piece of data for their rankings. Either link popularity, RSS feeds or some sort of traffic-ranking service.


The time has come for blogging to become just a regular job. The only irregular thing about it are rare big paychecks.

How to Write Good Blogs That are Not Boring

What makes the difference between a good blog bland a bad blog on the Internet? What makes someone keep going back to a blog or never go back again?

How to Use Blogging as a Terrific Source for Online Income

Do you want a good online hobby, as well as an extra source of income?

Monday, July 07, 2008

Rick Steves: Blog Gone Europe

Hitch an online ride with Rick this spring as he researches guidebooks, films new TV shows — and shares what’s on his mind!

Chinese bloggers evade censors by writing backwards

You have to hand it to Chinese bloggers - they are determined to get the truth out, no matter what.

Gallery: Japan's Leading Celebrity Bloggers

If you go to Japan and tell people you're a blogger, they might assume you're a celebrity. While blogs are making incredible headway as a source of credible information in the United States, in Japan they are mostly thought of as high-profile diaries.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Golden rules for corporate blogging: introduction (1/3)

Once your Corporate stakeholders have understood why Web 2.0 is more than a fad and why its marketing could benefit from it (read our 12 golden rules for Web 2.0) and once they have established how their 2.0 strategy should be articulated (refer to our interactivity matrix), quite a few questions remain: how to create a professional looking blog and how to make it known?

Read Part 1: Golden rules for corporate blogging: introduction
Read Part 2: Preliminary questions
Read Part 3: Do's and Dont's