Trackbacks, pingbacks, Google Alerts… There are lots of ways to find out who’s talking about your blog posts. But it’s more difficult to know if you’ve been mentioned on
Twitter, where a variety of URL-shortening services disguise the final destination.
Now there’s a way you can tap into those conversations.
TweetBacks, by Dan Zarrella, is a service that finds links to your blog that have been posted to Twitter via the most popular URL-shortening services. With just a bit of JavaScript you can include those mentions on your blog post just like trackbacks. Dan even has a
WordPress plugin to make it easier.
TweetBacks includes several options, such as including Twitter avatars and excluding TweetBacks from certain users. The service also includes “TweetStats,” so you can display a list of your most Twittered posts.
A lot of people have moved their link blogging to Twitter, which makes it a growing source of traffic for some websites. A service that lets you tap into that community and bring the conversation back to your blog could be very popular.